The Friday Shirt is a winner - wearable, simple, and shows off a beautiful piece of fabric to great advantage.

If you love it, wear it, pay no attention to trends, and keep your favourites. If you do succumb to a current must-have trend, then continue to wear that garment the next year, or repurpose the fabric it was made from.

By sewing their own clothing, I hope that people realise the effort that goes into garment construction – that ultimately everything is handmade, even in a factory environment, and therefore the value we as consumers place on garments needs to reflect and respect that.
— Jo Dunsmuir

Frankie & Ray

Jo Dunsmuir is the talented designer, sewist, quilter and knitter behind Frankie & Ray. The company is based out of her home in Victoria, Australia. And in addition to designing a nifty range of garment staples that you’ll easily integrate into your wardrobe, Jo also makes up her designs for sale, offers quilt patterns and teaches sewing. You can have a look at her work on her website, and by all means give her a follow on Instagram too.

You can also learn more about how Frankie & Ray came to be, and how Jo thinks about fashion, making and having a creative business in our interview with her.